20 November 2007

Gladstone to host state football playoffs

The Oregon School Activities Association has asked permission to hold the 1A State Semi-finals for 8-man football at Gladstone High School. The games will be this Saturday, November 24. The OSAA will rent the facility from Gladstone School District, and the Booster Club will run the concession stands. Crane will play Mohawk at noon; South Wasco County faces Imbler at 4:00 p.m.

Gladstone already has a reputation for putting on great track meets. This is an excellent opportunity for us to further showcase the Gladstone community and our wonderful stadium. Volunteers are needed, in shifts, between 11:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. E-mail the Booster Club (president@gladstoneboosters.org) and let them know when you would be available to help out. By showing the OSAA that we can host games and provide a quality atmosphere, our district wll be in line for more events (and income) in the future.

Remember, snack shack volunteers get to specify a contribution from the profits in the amount of $10 to the GHS sport of their choice, and high school kids 15 and older can work and get community service credit hours.

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