20 May 2007

Hit-and-run genius

My mother-in-law's brother and his wife were involved in a hit-and-run accident yesterday. Well, "involved" hardly seems like the right word; "victimized" is probably more accurate. But besides the welcome news that they weren't seriously injured, I'm pleased to report that the impact tore the front bumper off the perpetrator's van, and yes, the license plate was still on it. Plus, the van trailed liquid all the way home, where a drunk 20-year-old was located and invited to spend the night in jail. I predict his mom's insurance carrier is about to become more profitable.

While I'm on the topic of crime...I'm not a regular reader of the police blotter in our local daily newspaper. But I've noticed twice in recent months that a theft has been reported in the 500 block of Portland Avenue. Among the buildings located in the 500 block of Portland Avenue is our local police department. Now that's some bold thievin'!

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