09 July 2009

Gladiators take talents overseas

Three GHS students are currently touring Europe with the Oregon Ambassadors of Music, an invitation-only assemblage of some of the best high school musicians in the state. Below are a photos of the OAM band and choir. featuring Joe B. (trumpet), Delaney P. (clarinet) and Shae W. (voice) in London last weekend. Also see this brief concert clip posted by a local Londoner. 

If you happen to be in France, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Italy or Germany in the next week or so and spot a kid who looks like Officer Poncherello with a crew cut, say hello to my son for me.

UPDATE (15 JULY 2009): Apparently, if you watch this Webcam in Rothenburg ob der Tauber Friday around 5:00 a.m. PDT, the kids will make an appearance. Like the site says, klicken Sie auf das Vorschaubild um die Originalansicht in einem neuen Fenster zu öffnen. Got it? (Simplified: Click on the little picture to open the big picture. C'mon, that's common um-zu sentence construction, easy stuff.)

03 July 2009

Separated at birth?

Sarah Jessica Parker, 
Dee Snider

The world beyond Gladstone

It's probably good, every so often, for a reality check, one that compares our relatively insular lives to the larger world. One such check occurred for me earlier today. An acquaintance of mine serving in the military responded as follows to a recommendation to take a look at a video posted on the Internet:

I will have to look at the video later, as I am currently in Luanda, Angola. The internet here is not quite fast enough to make video viewing worthwhile. I am in a suit and tie, getting ready to go to a 4th of July party at the US Embassy. I head back to Rabat, Morocco tomorrow, and I will watch the video then. By the way, Angola is much nicer than I thought it would be. The cost of living is outragous, and the traffic in Luanda (the capital) is beyond bad, but the country as a whole is working very hard to come back from over 15 years of war (actually back to 1974, if you don't include the short break around the early 90's).